Sensibly isolating at home – but lucky enough to have a pool in your garden.

We hope you are all staying healthy and safe at home during these weird difficult times. Thank you to all those who are helping through this crisis in the many seen and unseen ways. Those of you who are sensibly staying at home will be thinking of ways to keep fit or how to entertain the children. Now is the time to get your pool opened up ready for use.  Make sure your floatron is ready for action:  If you didn't clean your floatron when you packed it up for the winter, now would b...
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Get your pool ready for winter.

A Swimmers View of the floatron Ionization Process   Is your pool ready for winter? It isn't too late in the season to introduce a floatron to your pool. Ionised water will help prevent an over winter algae attack, so there will be no need to shock treat your pool with excess chemicals next spring. Once your pool is ionised and you are ready to close it up for winter, we can help by supplying a winter debris cover
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Time for a new electrode?

One of my great childhood friends has relocated to Cape Town, where she is now settled with her family. After experience with floatron in our pool in the UK and then in their own pool in SA, they decided to set up floatron-SA, where thanks to the warmer climate there are many more pools. Floatron-SA have shared this photo of a very well used electrode on their  Facebook page. I have have never seen an electrode get this small before. We would recommend changing the electrode when i...
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